Which interactions can I use with Alexa skills?

As well as the "play [station name]" invocation phrase used to turn on your skill, several other phrases are understood by Aiir's Alexa skills which you can use while listening to your station.

These all begin: "Alexa, ask [station name]..."

On Air

If you use one of these phrases, Alexa will respond with information about the song playing, or the programme currently on air.

Your station must have a complete schedule in Programme Info and current Now Playing info set up in the Stations app for these phrases to work.

  • what's on?
  • what's on now?
  • what's on air now?
  • what's this?
  • who's this?
  • who is this?


If you use one of these phrases, Alexa will respond with information about the programme currently on air.

Your station must have a complete schedule in Programme Info for these phrases to work.

  • what show is on?
  • what show is on now?
  • what show is this?
  • who is presenting?
  • who's this presenter?
  • who's on air?
  • who's on air now?

Now Playing

If you use one of these phrases, Alexa will respond with information about the song playing, if one is.

Your station must have current Now Playing info set up in the Stations app for these phrases to work.

  • what is now playing?
  • what's now playing?
  • what's this song?
  • what is this song?
  • what are you playing?
  • what's playing?
  • who's singing?
  • who is singing?
  • what's the current song?
  • what's currently playing?
  • what song is this?

Clear stored station

Multi-station skills ask listeners to choose their preferred station when they first tune in. Their preference is remembered so they don't need to specify each time, but it can be cleared using the following commands and Alexa will ask them to choose again.

  • to forget my previous station
  • to forget my previous choice
  • to forget previous choice
  • to forget default station
  • to forget previous station
  • to clear default station
  • to clear station choice
  • to clear previously stored station
  • to clear stored choice
  • to clear my choice
  • to clear previous station
  • to clear selection

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