News sources

News sources are the most common sources for a newscast. You can connect RSS feeds here with news articles to import into the system.

To create a news source, go to the "Sources" section and click "Add." Select the content model with the type "News", and you can start creating your source.

⚙️ News source settings

Type Choose between "RSS feed" or "Manual". When you create a "manual source" you can select these source when you create a story manually as the source. After that, you add the source to a newscast so it knows which manual stories to use in the newscasts.
RSS feed URL Use an RSS feed or website with built-in RSS. You can test if the feed is valid in the right sidebar when click "Test feed URL".
Webpage scraping In some cases, a RSS feed may only provide a brief summary of an article. When the summary in the feed is less than 300 characters, with this setting enabled, the system tries to scrape the complete article content from its corresponding webpage. Check in the test feed sidebar if this gives the desired results. Otherwise, disable this option or edit the option below.
Detail page HTML selectors With web scraping enabled by default, the content from all paragraphs on the page is scraped. You may want to specify this CSS-selector below. Required to end with a "p" from "paragraph".

Information on source settings which aren't specific to news items can be found here.

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