Weather sources

To create a weather source, go to the "Sources" section and click "Add." Then, choose the content model with the "Weather" type to create your source.

⚙️ Weather source settings

Type Select from "Built-in," "RSS feed," or "Manual." The most common choice is "Built-in" which will reveal the location field when selected.
Weather location Specify the geographical location for which you want to generate a weather forecast. The system uses WeatherAPI to retrieve and transform the data into a weather forecast.
RSS Feed URL Use an RSS feed or a website with built-in RSS containing weather information formatted as weather info per item. When creating a weather forecast from this source, each item from the RSS feed is imported every time a new forecast is generated.
Publication limit When a weather forecast is generated, it will be reused in every new newscast until this limit is reached.

Information on source settings which aren't weather-specific can be found here.

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