Traffic sources

RadioNewsAI collects traffic data by connecting to a navigation system in the background.

It retrieves and processes this data based on the attached content model, generating traffic information.

To create a traffic source, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Sources" section.
  2. Click "Add"
  3. Select the content model with the "Traffic" type to initiate the creation of your traffic source.

⚙️ Traffic source settings

Bounding boxes

Specify the geographical area from which the traffic data is sourced. Each bounding box cannot exceed 10,000 km2. If you need a larger area, add multiple bounding boxes. Overlapping is allowed.

You can obtain bounding box values from a site like Bounding Box Finder. Select an area, and copy and paste the value labelled "box" in the bottom left corner.

Minimum delay This setting determines the minimum delay required for traffic information to be included.
Limit on amount of incidents Traffic information is typically ordered with the longest delays first. This setting restricts the number of delays in the information to ensure it doesn't become too lengthy.
Road number filtering When checked, you can add road numbers as filters. Only roads matching the filters will be included in the traffic information. Each road number can have a custom minimum delay. This way, you can include every delay on highways but only include smaller roads when there is a specific minimum delay.
Filter traffic categories We recommend selecting "jam" here. Experiment further to determine whether including other categories is beneficial for your use case.
Filter on probability of occurrence It is recommended to leave this setting as is, but you can experiment with it to find what works best for you.

Information on source settings which aren't weather-specific can be found here.

🛣️ Road name aliases

One of the challenges with traffic information is naming roads and locations on those roads.

The source used in the background follows a standard naming convention for each road. However, with the "Road Name Aliases" tab in a traffic source, you can customize the naming of each road.

While it may be time-consuming, here's how it works:

  1. Each time traffic information is generated, the road names are added to the aliases.
  2. If you encounter an unusual name in the traffic information, you can go to this tab, search for the road, and adjust how you want that road named in the newly created traffic information.
  3. This allows you to refine how you want your roads to be named over time.

It is advisable to set up some traffic information first and not use it on-air immediately. Use it initially for training purposes.

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