Customizing stories in AI newscasts

Content models are used to customize the output of the generated newscasts.

You can link a model to your source, which means the preferences you set out in your model will be used to rewrite the articles from your source into your audio stories.

A model can be News, Weather, or Traffic. The source settings you can modify depend on the model type you have selected.

RadioNewsAI has some built-in models which you can use, or you can create your own custom models.

💬 Configuring content models

When creating a model, you can choose from "News," "Weather," or "Traffic." This selection is made because the output varies depending on the content type.

Once a content model is created, its type cannot be changed.

Name The internal name for your content model
Base model

You can base your content model on another (built-in) model. This can be useful when you only want to make minor adjustments.

If you do not add any examples or a custom script, the examples and scripts from the base model will be used.

Language The language which will be used when rewriting stories and generating your newscasts
Sentence count Set a limit on the number of sentences in the output.
Word count Set a limit on the number of words in the output.
Use source content as-is

Check this setting if you do not want to rewrite the source to which this model is attached.

This can be useful if you want to use the content from one of your own RSS feeds exactly as it appears in the feed when read aloud.

🔍 Example content

If you provide example content written in your preferred style, the AI will learn from it and use it as a guide when re-writing stories from its original sources.

Click the 'Examples' tab while editing your model. You can provide previous 'good examples' of stories that follow your station's house style, and the AI will base future stories on them.

Each example should contain one story, so ensure you create an example for each story separately rather than adding an entire newscast to one example.

It's advisable to include examples that comply with the model settings and the directions from your scripts. This assists the AI model in comprehending how to interpret all the settings. For instance, if you set the sentence limit to 3 and the word count limit to 50, provide examples that contain 3 sentences and approximately 50 words.

In addition to settings for length, the AI is trained to recognize and implement the tone and style present in your examples when rewriting your news stories. This enables you to have entirely custom news stories that incorporate your unique style.

It is recommended to add a minimum of 3 examples and no more than 6 examples.

For a weather model, it's necessary to provide 3 to 6 examples for each version of the weather forecast: morning, afternoon, evening, and night.

📄 Custom scripts

The custom script you supply to your model is utilized as a "format" in the prompt to generate the rewritten version of an article from a source connected to your model.

It's your chance to give your AI some coaching, providing additional instructions to get the output sounding just right. You can add any custom parameter you desire here.

To set up a custom script:

  1. Tick the 'Use Custom Script' option in a content model.
  2. Save the model after enabling the custom script option.
  3. The script field will emerge below the content model form. Here, you can input your custom instructions in curly brackets.

Weather models require a script to generate weather forecasts for the morning, afternoon, evening, and night, as the format of these forecasts can change significantly.

Example script

Scripts function optimally when paired with well-constructed examples that implement the instructions you have specified. For instance, you might add a script for a weather model as follows:

{using the data, summarize the weather in max 10 words, do not use temperatures}

This would produce results like:

  • "Cloudy with some sunshine tomorrow"
  • "Rain is expected later on tonight"

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