Exporting streaming royalty reports

Aiir Streaming makes compiling royalty reports for your station easier than ever.

It uses the 'Now playing' data from your stream to record the number of times a track is played and the number of people listening over a certain time period.

Royalty stats can be found by clicking 'Analytics' from the main menu and then going to the 'Streaming' tab at the top of the page.

Information on listening sessions and royalty statistics can be found on the Streaming Analytics page.

Once you are on the Streaming Analytics page, choose the station or groups of stations for which you want data and specify the period of time you want to cover, then press 'Get Analytics'.

Once the report has been generated, scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you will find the 'Royalty Statistics' screen:

This report contains a record of all the tracks played on your station.
Title The 'Title' metadata encoded into your stream
Artist The 'Artist' metadata encoded into your stream
Album The 'Album' metadata encoded into your stream
Aired count How many times a track was played during the specified time period
Performances How many people were listening as the track was being played

You can export the royalty report as a CSV file to be provided to your music licensing agency.

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