Why is an artist page showing incorrect details?

Aiir's CMS can dynamically create artist profile pages featuring biographies, discographies, and play history on your station.

This works by taking the artist's name as it is received from your playout system and using a service called MusicBrainz to match it up with the artist's online information.

Occasionally, this matching process can go wrong - especially with unsigned artists or those with similar names.

When that happens, you may find when a website visitor clicks an artist's name in your playlist, the profile page created for them features another artist's details.

To fix this, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Music Data app in Aiir's CMS.
  • Search for the artist's name as it appears in your station's play history.
  • Press 'Link to detailed artist page'.
  • Search for the correct artist whose info should be shown, or search the MusicBrainz website and copy their ID from the address bar.
  • Press 'Save'.

If an artist's name is showing incorrectly in the playlist due to a typo in your playout system's library, you can correct this by pressing the 'Edit' button next to it in the Music Data app. You should also ensure any issues are fixed in your playout system's library to prevent this from re-occurring the next time a track is played.

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