Using a Securenet stream with Aiir's apps and players
If your station uses Securenet for its online stream, you can use your existing streaming service with Aiir's mobile apps, Alexa skills and web players.
However, you will need to make sure you are entering a direct stream URL rather than a link to a web player using the domain or
Securenet stream URLs will follow this format:
If you are unsure what yours is, contact Securenet support.
Finding the stream URL yourself
Alternatively, you can open your Securenet web player, press the play button, then open your browser's console (usually by pressing F12) and navigate to the Network tab.
This will reveal all the network resources being loaded by your Securenet player, including your audio stream URL. Sort the list of resources by time taken to load, and your stream will appear at the top of the page.

Click the audio stream from the list of resources, and you will see the Request URL. If your link includes any extra parameters like "?playSessionID=", you can remove the question mark and everything that comes after it.
The audio stream will not appear in the browser console's Network tab unless the player has been active. Once you have pressed the play button once, it should appear - often represented by a play button.