Using your station's app as an alarm

iOS devices are capable of launching your station's app automatically when a listener's alarm set in Apple's Clock app goes off. This powerful integration can be set up using the built-in Shortcuts app on any modern iOS device:

  1. Launch the Shortcuts app.
  2. Tap 'Automation' at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Add a new automation by pressing the '+' button.
  4. Choose 'Alarm' and select 'Goes Off'.

    You can also choose whether this should apply to all alarms, just your Wake Up Alarm, or select which alarms should start listening to your station.

  5. Select 'Run Immediately' and press 'Next'.
  6. On the 'When any alarm is stopped' screen, select 'New Blank Automation'.
  7. Select 'Open App', then tap the greyed-out word 'App' and select the app you want to run.
  8. Press 'Done'

At the time of writing, there is no equivalent process for Android devices.

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