Why is my HLS stream slow to start?
HTTP Live Streaming, or HLS, is a method of streaming audio which breaks down files into smaller downloadable segments, which can then be played back in a browser or device.
Aiir Streaming allows you to configure the 'burst buffer' size your stream uses. This is how many seconds of audio will be delivered to a user when they connect to your stream.
You can configure this by going to Stations > [your station] > Settings > Stream:

As HLS segments contain roughly three seconds of audio and HLS streams work best with at least three segments buffered, we recommend setting this to at least nine seconds (3x3s segments). The default value is 10 seconds, which allows the required segments to load.
If you reduce the burst buffer size below this, when a listener connects, they will notice a delay in starting your HLS stream while it prepares the segments it didn't have cached.