
A poll in Aiir is a simple way to gauge opinion from your audience on a multiple choice question.

They can be embedded in pages in Page Manager, or added to your website's template in Template Builder.

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Creating a poll

You can create a poll in two ways.

If you're currently working on a page in Page Manager, you can create a poll and insert it, without leaving the page.

Tap the + button in the top-left corner and select "Poll". You'll be able to create a new poll, or insert an existing one.

The other way to create a poll, is to head to the main menu and select "Polls".

From here you can see all of the polls you have, create one, or edit and existing one.

Each poll can have a title  and question, and you can choose if multiple votes per IP address should be allowed, and whether to show a results graph or keep the results private.

You can also disable further voting if you'd like to freeze a poll.

Insert a poll into a page

If you're editing a page in Page Manager, tap the + button in the top-left corner and select "Poll". You'll be able to create a new poll, or insert an existing one.

Inserting a poll into the website template

Before you can insert a poll somewhere in your website template, such as your homepage or a side column, you first need to have created the poll.

Head to the main menu and select "Polls". Then tap "Create a poll" and set up your new poll.

When you're done, head to the main menu again, this time select "Template Builder". You may need to select a website at this point, if you have access to more than one.

Then from the side menu (or top menu on mobile) select "Content Areas".

Choose the content area where you're going to insert the poll, and click the green + button to insert it at the position you'd like.

You'll be presented with a bunch of things you can insert - choose "Poll".

Then select the poll you created earlier. Finally, save the page and shortly your website will update to include the new poll.

Insert a poll elsewhere

Usually anywhere that you can edit some HTML content, you'll see an "Insert" button just above. If you tap that, you can select "Poll" and insert or select an existing poll.

Swap a poll

If you need to swap one poll for another, the process depends on how and where it was inserted to begin with.

If the existing poll is within a page, excluding the homepage...

You need to locate the page. Most likely it's in Page Manager, but you could also have inserted a poll somewhere else, like a news article.

Once you've found the page, delete the current embeded poll by clicking on it and then pressing "delete" or "backspace" on your keyboard.

Then follow the instructions above for inserting (or creating) a new poll.

If the existing poll is within the website template (side column) or the homepage...

Head to the main menu and select "Template Builder". You may need to select a website at this point, if you have access to more than one.

Then from the side menu (or top menu on mobile) select "Content Areas".

Locate the poll in the list of content blocks. Click on it, and you'll be able to swap it to a different poll. If you want to create a new poll, you will need to have already created this in the Polls section.

Using a "Poll Position"

We also offer a way to swap polls directly from the Polls section of Aiir. If you have a page on your website which needs to feature a poll which changes on a regular basis, rather than editing that page each time to remove and insert the new polls, you can use what we call a Poll Position.

Head to the main menu of Aiir, and select "Polls". Then at the top, select "Positions".

From here you can set up a position, and grab a tag which you can then paste into a page.

From there on, to substitute the poll, you can edit the position and select a different poll to appear.

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