Managing WebVT users

Users for WebVT are managed through PlayoutONE itself.

You can find this in Settings > WebVT then click on WebVT User Administration.

From here you will see a list of users and when they last accessed the system. If you're setting up for the first time then you will only see the main Admin account.

Note: When adding or editing, the Save button will remain disabled until all the details meet their minimum requirements. Passwords should be at least 7 characters in length, should include at least one upper case letter, one number, and one special character.

Adding a User

  1. Click on the + button.
  2. Enter all the details for the user and set the permissions (see Permissions below).
  3. When completed click Save.

Editing a User

  1. Single click on a user in the list and then click on the pencil button to edit the selected user or double click the user you wish to edit.
  2. Alter the details for the user and any permissions (see Permissions below).
  3. When completed click Save.

Deleting a User

  1. Click on a user in the list, or press SHIFT or CTRL while clicking to multi-select users, then click the trashcan button.
  2. You will be prompted to confirm you want to do this.
  3. Once a user has been removed you cannot restore the account. You would need to add it again.


  • Username (minimum 2 characters, maximum 50)

    Unique username for the user so they can access the system. We recommend firstname.lastname or something similar.

  • Password (minimum 3 characters, maximum 50)

    Secret password for the user. If they have forgotten their password then you can change it here. There is no facility for users to reset their own password.

  • Fullname (minimum 3 characters, maximum 50)

    The user's full name.

  • VT Prefix (minimum 2 characters, maximum 3)

    This is a unique identifier for the user and can only be letters. It prefixes any voice tracks this user records on the system.

  • Enabled

    If this user is globally enabled on the system.

Note: All of the details are required with the exception of Enabled which is essentially one thing or another.


On the permissions section if you have multiple stations you will see a tab for each one. If not then you just have the one tab. On a tab, there are a set of permissions that determine what this user can do and what they have access to.

  • Only allow access to certain Types and Categories below

    This allows you to restrict the types and categories this user has access to in the Media Finder. You choose which types and categories they can access by ticking them in the two lists below this option.

  • The Daypart grid

    This is to restrict which hours throughout the week that this user can access, edit and record into. By default, all hours are allowed. Allowed hours are indicated by a green box. You can click individual hours or click and drag to select a range of hours. This toggles between green and red. Red means the user cannot edit or record into that hour.

  • Enable this Station for the User

    Enables or prevents the user from accessing specific multi stations.

  • Media Finder

    Allow the user access to the Media Finder. This allows them to drag items from the finder to the login hours they are allowed to edit.

  • Edit Audio

    Allows the user to open an item / UID and make changes to it. This includes changing the meta information like title and artist and uploading a new piece of audio.

  • Add Audio

    This means the user is permitted to add and upload new items / UIDs to the system.

  • Social Media

    If the station has been linked in Monitor to post to Facebook and/or Twitter then this option will allow the user to insert social media updates in the log.

  • VT Recording

    Probably the most important option and it allows the user to voice track into the hours they are permitted to.

  • On Air Controls

    Gives the user access to the On Air Controls so they can control PlayoutONE in the studio. Also allows access to LiveMIC

  • Edit Whiteboard

    If you want this user to be able to update the station whiteboard.

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