Upload Queue Stuck

If you find your upload queue is stuck and the icon on the toolbar has been flashing red for quite a while then it's possible one of two things have happened, or possibly both.

Note: Before doing anything, make sure it's not simply a stuck browser by pressing F5 or clicking on the browsers Refresh button.

1. Check your upload speed using a speed checker like this one speedtest.net. What you need to be looking at is your upload speed as this is what is responsible for sending data from your computer to the WebVT® server at the station you're voicetracking for. You need to see something greater than, or equal to, 4Mbps.

2. Your browser may have lost the file internally. This rarely happens, but if you look at the upload queue and it just constantly says "Waiting for files..." then the chances are it's gone. You need to make a note of the very top item. This is the one which is causing the problems. You are going to have to clear this item which means you will need to re-record it. In order to do this you need to access the developer tools in your browser:


  • Right-click on the toolbar of WebVT® and choose to Inspect Element from the pop-up menu.
  • In the dev tools navigate to the Storage section.
  • Expand out the IndexedDB > (URL) > VTAudio and click on audio.
  • Right-click on the entry that has the same UID as the stuck item in the upload queue and choose Delete from the pop-up.
  • You can now close the dev tools and refresh your browser with F5 or the browsers Refresh button.


  • Right-click on the toolbar of WebVT® and choose Inspect from the pop-up menu.
  • In the dev tools navigate to the Application section.
  • Expand out the IndexedDB > VTAudio and click on audio.
  • Right-click on the entry that has the same UID as the stuck item in the upload queue and choose Delete from the pop-up.
  • You can now close the dev tools and refresh your browser with F5 or the browsers Refresh button.

WebVT Browser

  • From the menu at the top of the window, click on View and then select Toggle Developer Tools .
  • In the dev tools navigate to the Application section.
  • Expand out the IndexedDB > VTAudio and click on audio.
  • Right-click on the entry that has the same UID as the stuck item in the upload queue and choose Delete from the pop-up.
  • You can now close the dev tools by going to View and then clicking on Toggle Developer Tools .
  • Click on Refresh Page (F5) from the menu at the top of the window to refresh the page.

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