Processing Voice Tracks

If setup by the station, each user can choose whether to have their voice tracks processed once they import into PlayoutONE at the station end. 


You'll Need A Stereo Tool License

The radio station will need a Stereo Tool license. We recommend purchasing the basic licence direct from Stereo Tool. They will then send you a license key. The license should cost around $50/£35/

Auto Importer

1. Find your WebVT Import profile in Auto Importer and click Duplicate
2. Set the name to WebVT-Processed
3. Add -Processed onto the end of the Import Path. E.g. if the original path was D:\PlayoutONE\Import\WebVT the new path will be D:\PlayoutONE\Import\WebVT-Processed
4. Go to Cart Details tab and tick Apply Audio Processing. Click the Settings button and configure as this document shows applying your stereo tool license.
5. Click Save


1. Go to Settings>WebVT tab within PlayoutONE
2. Select your new WebVT-Processed profile under the WebVT Process Profile dropdown.
3. Click Save

Please note that if stations wish to adjust the processing preset, they will need to install the standalone version of Stereo Tool and save the desired preset to a .sts preset file. This can be selected in the processing settings.

WebVT (Users)

Once the station has configured the settings as above, each user can then turn on audio processing by following steps below.

1. Log into WebVT
2. Click Settings via the PlayoutONE Launcher icon
3. Under General tab, enable Process Microphone On Import
4. Click Save

With this setting enabled, users voice tracks will be sent to the new Auto Importer Process import group and will have processing applied to them as they are imported into PlayoutONE. 

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