Music Playlists

You can manage curated playlists or charts for your website using the Music Playlists app.

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Creating and managing a Music Playlist

Live and Next

Music Playlists have two versions:  Live and Next.

The Next playlist allows you to prepare changes to a Live playlist without it being visible to website visitors yet. When you're ready you can replace the Live one with the Next one.

Alternatively, you may decide you don't need to use the Next playlist at all, that's fine!

When Live is replaced with Next, the 'Last' and 'Life' attributes are automatically updated. For example a newly added track will be marked 'New' with a life of '1'. If it is still present in the next playlist which becomes live, the track's Last will be updated to its previous chart position, and the Life incremented to '2'. 


Each playlist has to have a selected layout, and this decides what properties of each track will appear and how. We provide a default layout, but you can  customise it or create a custom one if you like.

Embedding a playlist

We don't support embedding Music Playlists, so we'd recommend simply linking to the playlist's page. You can customise the content which appears above a playlist.

Custom Layouts

We provide a default layout, so it's easy to get started with Music Playlists.

If you like you can customise this layout, or create your own. This involves building HTML for each part of a playlist, using the tags we provide. We can't offer support with building custom layouts or tweaking their appearance.

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