Listener Club

The Listener Club app in Aiir lets you manage a database of listeners who have registered to receive newsletters or access exclusive content.

If you'd like to send an email newsletter to members of your club, you'll need the  Direct Marketing app.

The Listener Club app has a dashboard of statistics, access to edit member details, run reports, update the club's homepage, and access to settings relating to signing up and logging in.

Data Protection

The listener club makes available a potentially large amount of personal data, which could contain names, addresses, date of birth and phone numbers.

Because of this, it is important that data protection is considered, and that only users who absolutely need access to this data are given it.

The ability to search and edit members, and view reports, is only available to Data Controllers. This privilege can only be assigned by an Owner, and they should carefully consider how many users have this access.

Customising the club

The Homepage tab lets you add items to the club homepage, which is shown after a person first logs in.

The Settings tab has further options for customizing the club, sign-up process and login page.

You can choose a  name for the club, which is used in various parts of your website and emails sent to members.

We recommend completing the email footer field, which is added to emails sent to members and helps identify your site as a genuine email sender to avoid spam filters.

The welcome message is often shown in place of a login box once a member logs in to the club. It can be personalised by incorporating a tag which is replaced with the member's name.

The Referrals tab contains settings for a Refer a friend page on your website.

The page allows members to suggest membership for a friend, by entering their name and email address.

At the point of submitting a referral, a basic member record is created with the details entered, allowing their friend to continue completing their membership.

Log in with Facebook

Log in with Facebook considerably reduces the barrier to entry, which means it's easier to build your database and learn more about your listeners. 

There is no password required as all authorization is taken care of by Facebook. 

The data collected from Facebook includes name, gender, city, date of birth and email. 

When a user returns to your website, if they're not logged in, one click of the Log in with Facebook button will take them straight in with no prompt or details to enter. 

If the user removes your station from their Facebook privacy settings (applications), this will be communicated to us and we'll remove their Facebook connection in our database. 

To enable this option, an application must be created on the Facebook for Developers website and the app details pasted into this section. 

Log in with Facebook buttons will automatically be added to the top of the login and signup pages. A button is also integrated with the 'Log In Prompt' field so that users can log in from a form. The form is refreshed with the user's details when they have logged in. 

Customising the sign up process

There are certain fields which must be part of the sign up form, but you can customize many of the others, including choosing if they are present, if they are required, and their label.

To add your own extra fields, go to the Sign Up Custom Fields tab.

Pay close attention to the instructions alongside each field.

You will be able to create an audience in Direct Marketing based on your custom fields, to send emails to a specific set of members.

The Sign Up Top Content tab lets you enter your own content to sit above the form. We recommend you utilize this section to sell the benefits of joining to potential members.

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