Radio News Hub
If you're a customer of Radio News Hub, they can supply an RSS feed which can be used to show stories on your website or mobile app.
You'll need to mention to them you're an Aiir customer and request a feed which follows this format:{your unique customer code}
The standard feed from Radio News Hub includes the headlines and an image, but not the full body content. This means that instead of displaying each article as its own page on your website or mobile app, each article will open a page on the Radio News Hub website.
You can also include Radio News Hub's feed:
- In your site template, using Template Builder. Use the 'RSS Feed' content block type.
- In any page content using the Page Editor. Press the green '+' add button on the editor, and select RSS Feed.
- On the homepage of a mobile app. Edit the app station, Home Feed, and select RSS Feed.