A3U (Aiir Alexa Audio Uploader)

A3U is currently only available to use with our latest Alexa skills managed through the Aiir CMS. Stations with skills created by PlayoutONE will be updated in due course.

A3U is a Windows desktop application that allows the upload of audio regularly, which can then be attached to an Alexa skill's custom intent audio item.


A3U can be downloaded here

Once downloaded, follow the on-screen prompts to install A3U. It can then be launched from the Windows desktop. By default, A3U will launch automatically when Windows starts up.


Once launched, A3U must be authorized with your Aiir account. To do this, click the Authorize button on the right of the menu bar.

Then, enter your Aiir credentials.

Once successfully logged in, select the organisation(s) you'd like A3U to be able to access.

Then you will see a green tick on the Authorize button and a message in the A3U log window.

Configuring Audio Uploads

Click the "New" button to create a new Upload Job and complete all the settings.

Description: Used internally only for the A3U application

Skill: Select the Alexa Skill from the dropdown

Intent: Select the Custom Intent from the dropdown

Intent Audio: Select the intent audio item from the dropdown

File: Select the file from your local system that you wish to be uploaded and attached to the intent audio item.

The "Scheduler" tab can be used to configure a regular schedule for the job. If you do not set a schedule, the Upload Job will not run automatically, and you'll need to run it manually from the main toolbar.

The "Stereo Tool" tab can be optionally configured to add audio processing to the uploaded audio. Configure the path to the Stereo Tool Command Line.exe, Preset File and enter your Stereo Tool license.

Once finished, tap "Save". You'll then see the Upload Job in the Jobs window.

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