How mobile apps manage and use listener data

Mobile apps created by Aiir give listeners control over how their data is used.


The first time a listener opens a station's app, they will be asked if they want to allow the app to report analytics.

You can find out more about the data which will be shared here.

If the station also has an Aiir website, the Analytics HTML code entered within Site Settings will be included on each page.

If a listener chooses not to allow the app to report analytics, they can still use the app without analytics tracking.

User tracking

Stations can also choose to enable user tracking within their app - for example, to run targeted in-stream advertising.

As with Analytics, listeners will need to give their consent the first time they launch the app for this to be enabled.

If user tracking is enabled within a station app after its initial release, it will need to be resubmitted to the App Store and Google Play Store as an update.

Other data

Aside from these two forms of data, Aiir's mobile apps do not gather any other information about listeners.

Web pages linked to within apps may collect further data, which will need to be managed separately.

Aiir's mobile apps do not support third-party consent management tools or other custom modifications to manage user preferences.

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