Check listening figures with streaming analytics

Aiir's streaming service lets you see how many devices are tuned into your radio station in real time or review historical listening figures.

These can be accessed by clicking 'Analytics' from the menu within Aiir Streaming.

Aiir Streaming's real-time analytics dashboard

Real-time overview

The 'Live' tab allows you to see a real-time view of where people around the world are listening to your stations.

This can be filtered to show listeners to a chosen station or all stations within your Aiir streaming account.

Exploring analytics

The 'Streaming' tab lets you break down your listener stats to get a closer look.

To explore listening trends, you can pick a station and timeframe (today, yesterday, this week, etc.)

You will be able to see the total number of listening sessions, unique IP addresses people are listening from, average listening time, total listening hours and ad impressions.

  • Sessions are individual connections to your stream. Every time someone listens to your station that counts as a session.
  • Unique IP addresses indicate roughly how many people are listening. If someone listens to your station from different devices on the same network, this would count as multiple sessions but only one unique IP.

You can also see a breakdown of which devices people are using to listen to your stream and where in the world they have been listening from.

Royalty reports can also be generated, viewed and exported from within the Analytics page.

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