Can I embed my player in a non-Aiir website?

Aiir's web players are standalone apps which can be used with or without an Aiir website.

Once you have created your player and you are happy it looks and works as you would expect, you can add a link to your station website to your Aiir Player. This will usually be:[station]

Our player was designed as a pop-out player, so links to your player work best when opened in a new tab or window. This ensures the audio will continue to play even if visitors navigate away from your website or onto a different page, without skipping as the page loads.

Adding a play button

Our recommended method is to insert a button in your site which links to your Aiir Player in a new tab or window.

The pop-out player

The code below will allow supported browsers with JavaScript enabled to pop open a new window of the size you specify (replace the values in [square brackets]), or if JavaScript is disabled, open it in a new tab instead:

<a href="[station]/" onClick=",
'[Player Title]','resizable,height=[default height in pixels],
width=[default width in pixels]'); return false;">Play</a>

In this example, the word 'Play' in regular text is used as the button. You can substitute this for whichever style button or image you would prefer to use as your Play button.

Embedding a player

Some stations may prefer to have an embedded player within their website. We don't recommend this for the reasons mentioned above, but if you really want to embed a play bar in your non-Aiir website, you can use an iFrame to do this, like this:

<iframe src="[station]/?variant=small_embed" style="border: none;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="72px" width="100%"></iframe>

This will insert a play bar which spans the width of the parent item containing it, featuring the colour scheme set in your Player theme settings in Aiir:

The player embedded as an iframe

While Players can be incorporated into third-party websites, other Aiir components like schedules or Now Playing information are only available from within Aiir's websites, apps and skills.

If you want to share this information with other services, you will need to provide it directly (such as setting up an additional metadata output in your playout software for Now Playing information).

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