Setting up metadata outputs in Monitor

PlayoutONE allows you to share metadata from your automation system with several external service providers, including websites, mobile apps, streaming providers and serial encoders.

These outputs can be configured and managed through the Station Settings panel within the Monitor application.

Metadata outputs can be managed within Monitor

Metadata can be sent to other parts of the PlayoutONE suite, the Aiir CMS, or third-party services.

Find out more about formatting metadata here. On this page, we'll walk you through setting up some of the most commonly used outputs:

AIM Rapid

To send metadata to AIM Rapid, you just need to specify a few server details.

IP Address The IP address or hostname of the AIM server.
Port The port number used by AIM and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.

Aiir CMS

You can configure PlayoutONE to send details of songs played to your Aiir website and mobile apps.

Before making any changes in Monitor, you should first obtain your Station ID and password from Aiir.

Once set up, you can then change options including any delay, track types to ignore, and whether to transform the text case.

ID Your station's unique ID found in the Stations app in Aiir
Password Your station's password from the Stations app in Aiir
Artwork Mode Choose between showing artwork from Apple Music (Aiir CMS default), an item's media URL from your PlayoutONE library, or a custom URL.

Arctic Palm

To send metadata to Arctic Palm CSRDS, specify a location where the metadata file will be saved.

Filename The name and extension of your metadata file
Folder The folder where the metadata file should be saved
Station Identifier The unique identifier for your station recognised by Arctic Palm

Audio Engine

Monitor can pass metadata through to the Audio Engine.

Format How you want your metadata text to be formatted. You can include variables surrounded by two % symbols such as %%Title%% and %%Artist%% .

Data Controller

Monitor can send metadata to Data Controller.

IP Address The IP address or hostname of the PC running Data Controller.
Port The port number used by Data Controller and configured to pass through firewalls.
Command See PlayoutONE Commands
Format How you want your metadata text to be formatted. You can include variables surrounded by two % symbols such as %%Title%% and %%Artist%% .


To send metadata to Xperi DTS, enter your station's details.

Organisation Supplied by Xperi
Station Name Supplied by Xperi
CID Supplied by Xperi
Key Supplied by Xperi


To supply your ENMUXA-powered DAB multiplex with metadata, enter your station's details.

Endpoint The URL for your multiplex's metadata endpoint.
Username Your username for ENMUXA.
Password Your ENMUXA password.
Service The DAB service you want the metadata to be associated with. (You need to provide the endpoint and login details before you can choose this).
Format How you want your metadata text to be formatted. You can include variables surrounded by two % symbols such as %%Title%% and %%Artist%% .

Event API

You can notify an event API whenever your PlayoutONE metadata is updated.

Endpoint The URL for your chosen API.
Header API As required by your API
Client ID As required by your API

FileCopy cue sheets

Once enabled, you can make use of the 'Generate Cue Sheet' option within FileCopy recordings.


Monitor can push metadata to a file on a specified FTP server.

IP / Hostname The IP address or hostname of the FTP server.
Port The port number to use for FTP transfers.
Username Your FTP username.
Password Your FTP password.
Folder The directory on the server where you want the metadata file to be saved.
Filename The name and extension of the metadata file.
Format How you want your metadata text to be formatted. You can include variables surrounded by two % symbols such as %%Title%% and %%Artist%% .


To provide metadata from PlayoutONE to Futuri, enter your credentials and Futuri station ID.

HTTP GET and POST requests

PlayoutONE can interact with any HTTP web server using GET or POST requests.

You need to set up the URL and authentication details (username/password) for your chosen server, as well as the return value and parameters to send.

Icecast and Shoutcast

Metadata can be sent directly to your Icecast or Shoutcast streaming servers. Once you have chosen your stream type, enter your server details (IP address and port number, password and SID or mount point).


To send metadata to Jump2Go, you just need to specify a few server details.

IP Address The IP address or hostname of the Jump2Go server.
Port The port number used by Jump2Go and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.


To send metadata to LeanEncoder, you just need to specify a few server details.

IP / Hostname The IP address or hostname of the LeanEncoder server.
Port The port number used by LeanEncoder and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.
Connection Choose whether to use TCP or UDP.


You can embed your metadata in your LiveStream-encoded stream.

IP Address The IP address or hostname of the computer running LiveStream.
Port The port number used by LiveStream and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.

Meta Radio

To send metadata to Meta Radio, you just need to enter your server details and specify a length format.

Hostname The IP address or hostname of the Meta Radio server.
Port The port number used by Meta Radio and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.
Length Format Choose between milliseconds, seconds and human time.


To send metadata to MyQUU, you just need to specify a few server details.

IP Address The IP address or hostname of the MyQUU server.
Port The port number used by MyQUU and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.
Station Name Your station name.


Monitor can send metadata to your Omnia processor or Z/IPStream devices.

IP Address The IP address or hostname of your Omnia 7, Omnia 9 or Z/IPStream device.
Port The port number used for metadata.
Path Your Omnia 9's URL for setting metadata. The default is /parameter/stream1/strm_new/metadata_strm?set= .
Format How you want your metadata text to be formatted. You can include variables surrounded by two % symbols such as %%Title%% and %%Artist%% .

RDS encoders

PlayoutONE can send metadata to Audemat, Audessence, Deva and Inovonics-compatible RDS encoders.

You just need to choose your device model, enter its IP address and specify a port to use.


Monitor can supply metadata to Radioplayer in several countries. Canada, Greece, Ireland and the United Kingdom versions of Radioplayer are currently supported.

In PlayoutONE, you just need to enter your station's Radioplayer ID (RPID) and select your location.

If you haven't previously contacted Radioplayer Support and requested Aiir be granted access to post metadata to your station, you should do this before configuring the metadata output in Monitor.


To send metadata to SamCast, you just need to specify a few server details.

IP Address The IP address or hostname of the computer running SamCast.
Port The port number used by SamCast and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.


To send metadata to Securenet, you just need to tell Monitor where to save your metadata file and in what format.

Folder The directory on the server where you want the metadata file to be saved.
Filename The name and extension of the metadata file.
Timing Format Choose between milliseconds and seconds.

Serial devices

You can send metadata from PlayoutONE to serial devices attached to your server or Monitor PC.

All you need to do is choose which COM port to use and the device's baud rate.


To supply SiriusXM with metadata, enter your channel code in Monitor. You can also adjust the port number used for Sirius XM to request data from if you need to.


To send metadata to StreamB, you just need to specify a few server details.

IP / Hostname The IP address or hostname of the StreamB server.
Port The port number used by StreamB and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.
Connection Choose whether to use TCP or UDP.


To send metadata to Surfer, enter your server details.

IP Address The IP address or hostname of the Surfer server.
Port The port number used by Surfer and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.


PlayoutONE can send metadata to a server using TCP or UDP. Just specify your server's IP address, port number, and the data you wish to send.

TRE Plus

To send metadata to TRE Plus, enter your server details.

IP Address The IP address or hostname of the server.
Port The port number used by TRE Plus and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.

Text File

Monitor can produce a text file which will be regularly updated as new songs are played. This can then be picked up and used by third-party systems PlayoutONE currently doesn't integrate with directly.

Folder The directory on the server where you want the metadata file to be saved.
Filename The name and extension of the metadata file.
Encoding How your text file should be formatted.
Format How you want your metadata text to be formatted. You can include variables surrounded by two % symbols such as %%Title%% and %%Artist%% .


To send metadata to Triton, enter your server details.

IP Address The IP address or hostname of the server.
Port The port number used by Triton and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.
Content Choose whether your metadata's content/messages should be managed from within PlayoutONE directly or in Monitor.


PlayoutONE can keep TuneIn updated with your station's recently played tracks.

Just enter your Partner ID, Station ID and Partner Key to set it up.


To send metadata to WideOrbit, enter your server details.

IP Address The IP address or hostname of the WideOrbit server.
Port The port number used by WideOrbit and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.


You can show your current metadata messages as part of your studio's vClock display.

Hostname The IP address or hostname of the PC running vClock.
Port The port number used by vClock and configured to pass through the computer's firewall.
Location Where you want your metadata to appear on-screen.
Format How you want your metadata text to be formatted. You can include variables surrounded by two % symbols such as %%Title%% and %%Artist%% .

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