Page Manager

The Page Manager app in Aiir is the place for creating and editing pages for your website, and managing your website's structure.

Your website's structure is organised into folders, just like your computer.

Each folder is represented by a column, with the first column being the root folder. Tap a folder and you'll see it opens as another column to the right.

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Website structure

Folders are more than just storage containers for pages; they represent the structure of the website.
For example a folder called 'On Air', containing a folder called 'Breakfast', containing a page called 'About' may have the corresponding URL:

Moving the 'About' page up one level to the 'On Air' folder would result in the page URL changing to:

Changes to the structure are effective immediately and should be made with caution; moving a page, changing the structure or editing slugs may result in broken links. If you need to move something that is accessible from search engines, consider creating a Redirect pointing from the old place to the new.

Website navigation

The structure defined by Page Manager is also used to build your website's navigation. 

Each folder is divided into two sections -  Showing in Navigation and Hidden from Navigation.
Pages and folders can be dragged between the two sections. 

Items in the 'showing' section of the root folder appear on your website's top level navigation. Consequently, items in the 'showing' section of these folders can appear as items in drop-down menus, if your website has these.

It's important to carefully consider the structure and navigation of your website, so that it's logical and people can easily find what they're looking for. If you're promoting a specific page on air, consider how someone find find that page if they arrive at your homepage. There's a fine balance to what should and shouldn't be accessible from your main navigation. Too little, and useful things might be hard to find. Too much, and it may be too cluttered for someone to find what they're looking for.


Buttons and icons at the top of each folder column relate to the folder underneath.
A new folder can be created inside the corresponding folder by clicking the  New... button at the top of the column, and selecting Folder. 

A folder can be edited or deleted by clicking the 'three dots' icon alongside the folder's name.

It is important to understand that deleting a folder will permanently delete all of the contents, including sub folders and pages. 

Default Page

One 'default page' can be selected per folder, with exception of the root folder where Home is effectively the default.
If the path to a folder is used as a URL, without ending the URL with the slug of a page in that folder, the 'default page' will be shown. 

For example:

Assume 'on-air' is a folder, and 'contact-page' is a page within the folder.
If the contact page was set as the default page for the on air folder, it would also be available at:

Setting a default page helps to avoid broken links and create shorter URLs. 

A default page can be set by clicking the 'three dots' icon next to a page and then clicking green flag icon at the top of the pop-up properties box.


New pages can be created by clicking the New... button at the top of a folder, and then select Page.
The properties of a page can be found and edited by clicking the three dots to the right of each page. 

Learn more about creating and editing pages.

Alternative title is an optional field which will change the name of a page as it appears in the navigation. This is useful if a page title needs to be abbreviated or re-worded from the actual title of the page. For example 'The Breakfast Show with Dave Smith' may be a good descriptive page title, but it may be simpler to set the Title in navigation to just 'Breakfast'.

For sections relating to other apps in Aiir, the alternative title field is used for the title at the top of the main page of that section.


A redirect is a shortcut to another page or URL. 

They can have three purposes:

  • To be used as a memorable URL, which redirects someone to another URL. For example
  • To catch hits to a URL that no longer exists and take them to a new destination.
  • To appear as an item in the website navigation, pointing to any specified page or URL.

To create a new Redirect, browse to the required folder in Page Manager, click 'New...' at the top of the folder and select Redirect. 

'Name' should be completed but is only important if the Redirect is to appear in the navigation. It will be used as the label which can be clicked on. 

'Appear in navigation only' is selected by default when creating a new Redirect in any folder except the root folder. It prevents the redirect from being accessible by typing the URL into a browser. This is useful to prevent conflicts with other pages in the same folder that share the same slug, a problem particularly common with a News folder where redirects may appear that share their slug with news categories. 

'Slug' is the lowercase word or phrase that appears in the URL. For example, if you're creating a Redirect for then "breakfast" will be the slug. 
If the Redirect is only required to sit in the navigation and not to be entered as a URL, the slug is not necessary. 

'Redirect to' is the destination for the Redirect. 

'Type' lets you choose either Temporary or Permanent. Temporary is also known as 302, and Permanent as 301. We use temporary by default, as permanent should be a very deliberate decision as it can impact on SEO.

'Include everything after' lets you catch hits to URLs longer than the redirect's specific URL. 

If you have selected 'Include everything after' then you'll see an extra option to 'Append everything after...'. If the URL you hit includes more than just the redirect's URL, this will add the extra characters to the destination URL too.

For example, if your redirect URL is:
and the 'redirect to' URL is:
and you navigate in your browser to:
with both these options enabled, you'll be taken to:

'Open in' defines the browser action when a Redirect that appears in the site navigation is clicked.

Sections relating to other apps in Aiir

You'll see items in Page Manager which appear to relate to other apps in Aiir, such as News, Blogs or Schedule. These sections are editable only using their respective app in Aiir. If you've got access, tapping one of these will take you to the app. They're fixed in structure and layout, but can be moved to anywhere in Page Manager.

For example, the 'Programmes' index page is often located in an 'On Air' folder, but the name is usually changed to something more suitable for the station, such as Presenters or DJs. You can also update the slug to something more appropriate.

You can delete these sections if you decide you have no need for them on your website. Doing so doesn't delete any of the data associated with it, or remove the app from Aiir. You can bring them back at any time by tapping the New... button at the top of the folder and then select Other.


The slug of a page is important. It is part of the URL (web page address) and identifies the page using human-readable words, rather than an ID number.

You should ensure there are no two identical slugs in a folder. If this does occur, only one of the pages will be accessible.
A warning appears alongside pages with duplicate slugs.

Schedule a page

It is possible to schedule the appearance of a page in the site navigation, by setting a start and/or end date and time. Click the "..." button next to the page you wish to schedule and the options appear in the pop-up properties box. 

Pages which are  upcoming appear in blue and pages which have expired appear in red. Expired pages are not automatically deleted and they can be scheduled to appear again. They are grouped in a section at the bottom of each column.

Move a page

You can drag a page from one folder to another.

You can also move pages using 'cut and paste':

  • Click the three dots icon next to the page you wish to move. 
  • In the pop-up properties box, click the cut icon
  • Paste buttons now become available at the top of all folders. Click the paste icon above the destination folder to complete the move. 

To move multiple pages at once, use the checkboxes which appear when you hover over pages to make a selection. Then click the 'Cut Selected' button which appears at the top of Page Manager.

Duplicate a page

Pages can be  duplicated to the same folder, or for sites in a group, pages can be duplicated across to other sites.
To duplicate a page; 

  • Click the "..." button next to the page you wish to duplicate. 
  • In the pop-up properties box, click the Duplicate button. 

Sites not in a group will immediately find a copy of the page in the same folder. 

Sites in a group will instead see another pop-up dialog box. To create a copy in the same way, simply click the 'Duplicate Here' button. Alternatively one or more sites can be selected to duplicate the page to. The duplicated pages will be created in the root folder of the destination sites, regardless of the originating folder. 

Selecting multiple pages

It is possible to select more than one page, to move or delete multiple pages simultaneously. 

Begin to select pages using the check boxes and two new Cut and Delete buttons appear at the top of Page Manager. Clicking these buttons performs the same action as the regular Cut and Delete icons, except the result affects all selected pages. 

You can also select all pages in a folder using the Check All icon at the top of each folder. The icon can be clicked again to uncheck all pages. 

The contents of Page Manager can be searched using the box at the top right. 

  • To find a page by title, type a couple of words into the box and press enter. 
  • You can get a list of all Redirects by typing just the letter 'r'.
  • If you know the page ID of a page, you can enter that to see just that page.

Search results always appear in the 2nd/middle column of Page Manager, closing any already open folders.

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