Social Publisher

The Social Publisher app in Aiir lets you post and schedule posts to social media accounts.

Before you can use it, you'll need to add an account in the  Social Accounts section.

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Preparing a post

The first page of Social Publisher lets you write a new post.

If you're posting to X, you can only select one account at a time. You'll also see an indicator of how many characters you have left, which takes into account an attached image or link.

When attaching an image, you have three options:

  • Select one you've already got in Media Manager
  • Upload a new one to Media Manager, if you think you might use it again
  • Drag and drop an image directly into the post - this is only good for a single use, it wont be stored in Media Manager

Pay close attention to images when posting to Facebook. If an image associated with a page is not large enough to meet Facebook's minimum 200x200 guideline,  Facebook will attempt to choose another image from the page.

Posts can either be posted now or later (we'll let you select a date and time).

Elsewhere in Aiir, if you save some content you might be given the option to post to your social accounts. This is a convenient way to post about the content you just saved, automatically including a link to it.

Edit or cancel a scheduled post

You can cancel a scheduled or queued post from being sent, by going to the  Upcoming Posts section. This also lets you edit the post, or change the accounts it will be posted to.


If you find that a post doesn't reach your social media account, go to the Previous Posts section. We'll show you the reason or error message alongside the post.

Common problems include:

  • Aiir no longer has access to your Facebook or X account, so you will need to reauthorise it in the Social Accounts app
  • You've tried to post the same tweet consecutively. X doesn't allow this.

If you find that Facebook shows the wrong image for your page, take a look at our page about why they might do this.

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