On Demand

The On Demand app lets you manage programme audio for listening again, either in Radioplayer on your website or in mobile apps. 

The app consists of categories (typically representing each programme strand) which contain items (each episode of a programme).

Each category can be linked with one or more stations. This dictates which categories appear in Aiir's player and Radioplayer.

Categories and items have two images: Cover Art and Radioplayer Wide (if you have Radioplayer). If you leave an image blank and the category is linked with a programme, the image will be automatically inherited from the programme. This can save you lots of time, if you ever need to update the image in future.

We have a smart integration with the streaming company SharpStream where your live stream can be recorded and individual programmes can be automatically recorded and added to the On Demand app with no manual intervention. SharpStream use the data from our Programme Information app to power this service.

→ Find out more about this integration in our FAQ

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