Aiir's cookie banner is being switched off

For several years, Aiir websites have supported an optional cookie banner that can be used to notify visitors of the presence of cookies on a site using our CMS.

This was created as a courtesy to site visitors and was never designed to ensure compliance with any specific legislation like GDPR or CCPA.

The existing cookie banner in Aiir

To ensure stations comply with their local data protection requirements, we are removing the optional cookie banner and advising stations to have a proper consent management platform (CMP) in place, where required.

Why is Aiir disabling the cookie banner?

This feature predates modern data protection legislation and was never designed with specific legislation in mind.

We would not want any Aiir customers to violate their local requirements by believing the cookie banner is sufficient in all territories, so we are disabling it and encouraging customers to implement their own dedicated consent management platform where required.

When is the cookie banner being disabled?

The banner can no longer be enabled on any Aiir websites which previously did not have the feature switched on.

Sites which are configured to display the cookie banner to new visitors can continue to do so until Friday 31 May 2024.

Do I need to do anything?

Good question. This depends on how you use and process visitor data, as well as the jurisdiction where your company and its website operate. A fully-fledged consent management platform is likely required if you are in the UK, EU, or some US states.

The content on your site will also determine whether a CMP is required. For example, if you use external ad services, analytics tracking or embedded media, additional cookies may be present.

Where required, the specific layout and controls you need to make available to visitors vary depending on the local legislation. Further general information is available here, but you should also seek your own legal advice if required.

If you have already added your own CMP or are based somewhere where they are not required, you do not need to make any changes.

I need a CMP. Which one should I use?

Consent management platforms are a specialist product. Fortunately, there is a range of options available that are designed to comply with various legislation, including:

Other providers are available.

How do I add a consent management platform to my website?

Implementing a consent management tool on your Aiir website only takes a few moments.

Your chosen platform will provide you with a code to add to the Head and Body HTML page of the Site Settings area in Aiir.

This code should be added to the top of the <head> code to set any cookie options before further site functions are loaded.

Check out our guide to adding a CMP to Aiir's websites. Find out more...

Which cookies are used on my website?

This depends on what you have included on your website. Third-party ad or analytics tracking will come with their own cookies, as will some social media content, like videos or embedded posts.

Aiir's website builder only uses a few functional cookies, which you can see a list of here.

Why can't you redesign the banner so it is compliant?

Consent management platforms are intricate products in their own right. Aiir specialises in creating easy-to-use broadcast software. We couldn't do a better job than dedicated CMP providers specialising in this area, so we wouldn't want to provide a substandard product.

Aiir's products are used by thousands of broadcast businesses in territories around the world. Each has its own rules regarding cookie and preference management on websites, so it would take considerable resources to create something that complies with the relevant laws everywhere Aiir websites are used.

We would rather work on broadcast-specific features rather than duplicating what is already available elsewhere.

I need more time! Can I keep the banner a little longer?

If your business is based somewhere with cookie legislation, the existing banner likely does not comply with your local laws - so you will be no worse off without it until you have a dedicated CMP in place.

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