Setting up reconciliation in PlayoutONE

PlayoutONE can be configured to work with many third-party music and commercial scheduling systems, including RCS Aquira, MusicMaster and Traffic1.

The process of keeping these applications in sync and aware of any changes to the playout logs is known as reconciliation. Here is how to set it up:

  1. In Monitor, select a station and open its Station Settings window.
  2. Go to the 'Reconciliation' tab.
  3. Under 'Format Settings', switch the format on.
  4. Select your chosen scheduling system from the 'Format' drop-down.

  5. Choose whether you want the reconciliation log to contain music, traffic, or both.
  6. Set a file format.
  7. Choose which folder you want reconciliation logs to be saved in.
  8. Tick 'Reconcile automatically every day at' and choose your desired frequency.

There are several other options you can configure on the reconciliation tab. This guide will explain the various format settings you can configure:

Format Choose which scheduling system you want your reconciliation logs to be compatible with.
Elements Which kind of items do you want to be included in the reconciliation logs - music, traffic or both.
Filename Specify a file name and format for the logs.
Folder Specify where you want the logs to be saved.
Manual reconcile Manually export reconciliation logs for a specific date.
Reconcile parent rotator instead of resolved child Changes how rotator carts are handled during reconciliation.
Reconcile automatically every day at Schedule automatic reconciliation.
Clear reconciliation files after Deletes old reconciliation logs from the specified folder after a period of time has elapsed.
Reconcile items using actual airtime rather than scheduled airtime Changes how items which played outside of their original scheduled airtime are reported.
Alter UID Change PlayoutONE's default UID format to support third-party scheduling systems.

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