Review WebVT activity using the audit log

PlayoutONE keeps a record of WebVT activity which can be useful when investigating issues with their programming output.

The audit log records any actions taken with PlayoutONE, including what was changed, by which WebVT user, and when.

๐Ÿ” Accessing the WebVT Audit Log

You can access the WebVT Audit Log by:

  1. Opening PlayoutONE's Settings window
  2. Switching to the WebVT tab
  3. Clicking the 'Audit Log' button next to 'User Administration'

๐Ÿงพ Reviewing the log

The WebVT Audit Log window makes it easy to review changes made to your PlayoutONE system by WebVT:

You can search for specific events or filter the list to only show events from a certain period of time or actions taken by a specific user.

The red button clears the current view and lets you start a new search. It is non-destructive and does not remove any log entries; it only resets any filters you had set up and reverts the window back to its original state.

You can also refresh the log to fetch any new actions or print/export the log file.

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