Triggering FileCopy jobs via commands

FileCopy jobs can be triggered via commands from other PlayoutONE applications like Data Controller, allowing stations to automate tasks which would otherwise need to be done manually.

Configuring FileCopy

Firstly, open FileCopy and set up the job/action as you need. The Public ID can be changed if you want to make the command easier to identify, but each job must have a unique public ID.

In the Schedule tab, set the job to run On Demand, as an external signal will trigger it.

If you are setting up your first command-triggered job, go to FileCopy's Settings, click 'Connectivity', then make sure the TCP Server is enabled and the correct port is selected:

Once that is done, the next step will be setting up your command.

Creating an IP command

In PlayoutONE, open the Command Manager and create a new IP Command:

Friendly Name An easy-to-recognise name for the command
IP / Host The IP address or hostname of the computer FileCopy is running on
Port The port number FileCopy's TCP server is monitoring (The default is 7008)
Command The command you want FileCopy to execute


FileCopy can execute the following commands:

Start filecopy_startjob=[A job's Public ID]
Stop filecopy_stopjob=[A job's Public ID]

For example, a command with an automatically generated Public ID could be started using the following command:


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