Connecting to Wheatstone Blades

Setting up your Wheatstone Blades to communicate with PlayoutONE is simple to do in Data Controller.

  1. In Data Controller click Settings > Integrations, Then add a new Wheatsone Blade
  2. Simply set your Blade IP and ID:
  3. You can now activate by toggling the 'On / Off' switch.

🔌 Catching Wheatstone events

Now you can set up the events from Wheatstone that you wish to capture by clicking on 'Command Matrix' from the main toolbar.

From here you can enter the commands manually or use the 'Build' button to open the builder which edits or creates the correct syntax for the event you want to capture. 

🎚️ PlayoutONE talking to Wheatstone

If you want to talk to Wheatstone from PlayoutONE then you need to use the appropriate command in PlayoutONE:

Command Description

Turn the hardware logic I/O port on or off.

id(int) = The Wheatstone ID in Data Controller to communicate with

card(int) = Wheatstone Card to target channel(int) = Channel to target state(string) = ON, OFF or PULSE  time(int) only needed in conjunction with PULSE

WHEATSTONE_SLIO_ID channel.state.time

Turn the software logic I/O port on or off.

id(int) = The Wheatstone ID in Data Controller to communicate with

channel(int) = Channel to target state(string) = ON,OFF or PULSE

time(int) only needed in conjunction with PULSE


Turn the Utility Mixer channel on or off.

id(int) = The Wheatstone ID in Data Controller to communicate with

mixer(int) = Utility Mixer number channel(int) = Channel to target state(string) = ON,OFF or PULSE


Activates a Salvo

id(int) = The Wheatstone ID in Data Controller to communicate with

salvonumber(int) = Salvo Number

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