Connecting to Axia nodes

Setting up your Axia nodes to receive and send GPI/O with PlayoutONE is simple to do with Data Controller.

  1. In Data Controller, click Settings > Integrations to add a new integration
  2. Set your Axia node IP address, port (default 93) and password (if not connecting to the local Axia IP Driver running on
  3. You can now activate by toggling the on / off switch.

🔌 Catching GPI/O events

Now you can set up the GPI/O events from Axia that you wish to capture by clicking on the command matrix from the main toolbar. 

From here you can enter the commands manually or use the Build button to open the builder which edits or creates the correct syntax for the event you want to capture. 

🎚️ PlayoutONE talking to AXIA

If you would like PlayoutONE to talk to Axia, you can use one of the following commands.

Please note: AXIA_GPI and AXIA_GPO require a permanent connection to an Axia node.

You can set a permanent connection in Data Controller as described above.

Command Description

Sets the state of an Axia GPI.

id(int) = The Axia ID in Data Controller to communicate with.

gpi(int) = Axia GPI to target

pin(int) = Specific pin to target

state(string) = ON (High), OFF (Low), PULSE

time(int) = Time in milliseconds after pin has been switched ON (high) we should wait before turning pin OFF (low). Only used for PULSE.

Sample: AXIA_GPI 1.3.ON


Sets the state of an Axia GPI.

id(int) = The Axia ID in Data Controller to communicate with

gpi(int) = Axia GPI to target

pin(int) = Specific pin to target : state(string) = ON (High), OFF (Low), PULSE

time(int) = Time in milliseconds after pin has been switched ON (high) we should wait before turning pin OFF (low). Only used for PULSE.

Sample: AXIA_GPO 1.3.PULSE.500

AXIA_DST ip:port_dst_addr_pwd

Sets Destination in an XNode.

id(int) = The Axia ID in Data Controller to communicate with

ip:port(string) = xnode to connect to. The default port is 93

dst(int) = xnode destination number

addr(string) = axia channel multicast address

pwd(string) = xnode login password. If not provided the default password is used

Sample: AXIA_DST

AXIA_SRC ip:port_src_addr_pwd

Sets Source in an XNode.

id(int) = The Axia ID in Data Controller to communicate with

ip:port(string) = xnode to connect to. The default port is 93

dst(int) = xnode source number

addr(string) = axia channel multicast address pwd(string) = xnode login password. If not provided the default password is used

Sample: AXIA_SRC

AXIA_CUSTOM ip:port_command_password

Send a custom Command to an XNode.

id(int) = The Axia ID in Data Controller to communicate with

ip:port(string) = xnode to connect to. The default port is 93

command(string) = the command to send to the Xnode

pwd(string) = xnode login password. If not provided the default password is used


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