Automation & Chains

Every item on the log contains a chain - either a green circle (🟢) or a red stop sign (🛑) - which controls the flow of the log.

When an item is set to a red stop, PlayoutONE will stop after playing that item and wait until the Play Next button is pressed (located on the top of the log window.)

If an item's chain displays a green circle, it will keep playing through the rest of the log when the item finishes playing.

To change an item's chain, double-click the chain icon, alternating between stopping and continuing to play.

If you are running with Automation On, any red stops in the log will be ignored.

You can quickly toggle chain the current playing item by using the Toggle Chain button at the top of the Log window.

You can also use the TOGGLE command to alternate between playing and stopping after the next track in the log. For example, if you inserted a command before a track, the track would still play as normal, but stop at the end of it.

The TOGGLE command also allows you to specify a time delay (between 1 and 60 seconds) before the chain is altered. For example, the command TOGGLE 5 will toggle the chain after five seconds.

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