Soft & Hard Deletes
With every item on the Playlist, you can Hard or Soft delete them
Soft delete:
This will temporarily grey out and item on the log, it will be ignored by PlayoutONE whilst playing (and won't count towards air times) but it lets you easily bring it back again
To Soft delete an item:
Right-click on the item you wish to delete and choose Edit>Soft Delete, or you can press the Delete key on your keyboard
Hard delete:
This will remove the item from the log immediately and has no undo option
To Hard delete an item:
Right-click on the item you wish to delete and choose Edit>Hard Delete, or you can press Ctrl+Delete on your keyboard
There also is a Trash can icon on the top of the log, clicking on this will Soft Delete the currently selected item, and pressing Ctrl and clicking will Hard Delete the currently selected item
Tip: You can highlight a range of content on the log, by highlighting the item you want to start at, then holding the Shift key and clicking on the item you want the range to end at. You can then follow the steps above to Hard or Soft delete a range of content