Mixdown and cue sheets in PlayoutONE

A mixdown allows you to save a section of the log as a fully combined WAV or MP3 file, this file also fades and ducks audio as if it was played on-air.

Creating a mixdown

To perform a mixdown, right-click on the log and choose 'Mixdown'.

When the window opens, you can select where you would like to save the file.

Beneath that, you can select the format you want the file to be saved (WAV or MP3).

You can then select a range of times you would like the mixdown to be available.

To create the mixdown, select 'Start Mixdown'. PlayoutONE will then load all of the audio and generate a file for you.

Mixdown markers

You can add Mixdown markers within the log; this will split the Mixdown at that point. Mixdown Markers work forward, so any log section after the mixdown marker will apply those parameters. 

To insert a marker, right-click on the log and choose Insert > Marker > Mixdown Break

When doing this, you will be asked to specify a file name, format, and the folder where you would like it saved.

When you have a Mixdown marker in the log, if you choose Mixdown, your hour will be automatically mixed down from that mark until you hit the end of the hour or your next mixdown break.

To schedule a mixdown marker in your Music Scheduling software, add a command MIXDOWN BREAK [FORMAT] [PATH] [NAME]

For example, MIXDOWN BREAK [WAV] [C:\Mixdown] [Part1] or MIXDOWN BREAK [MP3] [C:\Mixdown] [Part1]

Cue Sheets

On the mixdown screen, there is an Export Cue Sheet option, this will generate a .cue file (for the items which have a Type that has CueSheet ticked under the Type Manager)

This cue sheet can be used by PlayoutONE and can cause metadata to be sent out whilst the file is playing, which will override the name of the current playing track.

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