
The Media Finder makes it really easy to find carts within PlayoutONE, there are multiple ways of filtering:

Rotate This is the 'R' button in the top right of the media finder.
Pressing this button will toggle only showing Rotates, press it once to show rotates, press it again to show everything (including rotates)
Categories This is the 'Tag' button (to the right of the Rotate button), pressing this will open a list of categories you can select from
To deselect all categories, simply right click on this list, you can right-click again to select all categories
Types This is the 'Paperclip' button (to the right of the Categories button), pressing this will open a list of types you can select from
To deselect all types, simply right click on this list, you can right-click again to select all types
Clear Selection This is the 'Red Circle' button (to the right of the Star button), pressing this will clear any selection/filter you have made
Search Box Typing a value in here will search through all columns contained within the media finder

The above search methods combine when you apply more than one.
For example, if you wanted to find a Song with the type of "Song" in the Category of "Spice" with the word "Red" in the title you would do the following:

Categories = Tick only "Spice"
Types = Tick only "Song"
Search Box = "red"

This would then show you any songs of the Spice category that contained the keyword "red"

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