Logging On

To log on to WebVT® you will have been provided a URL link to open in your web browser. We recommend using either Firefox or Chrome.

When you first visit this URL you will be prompted for your username and password. These should have been supplied to you by your administrator.

Enter your username and password and if you wish for the system to remember you for 30 days then enable the option Remember me for 30 days.

After successful login, your browser will remember you next time you visit your URL. You can clear this by clicking Logout on the toolbar. See the Toolbar section.

Multistation Option

If you're logging onto a station that has a multistation instance of PlayoutONE, and you have been given access to more than one station, you will be given the option of choosing a station.

Clicking the station you want will take you to it. If you want to change the station while logged in then you can do that from the Launcher. See the Launcher section.

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