Loading and saving playlists

Loading a Playlist

Selecting by hour

To load a playlist from an hour, use the Find a playlist button, this is located at the top of the Playlist window and looks like a calendar icon. Pressing this button will then show a calendar control allowing you to select a specific date and hour you wish to load.

Using the file directly

To load a playlist from a file (.dpl extension), use the Open playlist button, this is located at the top of the Playlist window and looks like a file browser icon. Pressing this button will open a file selection dialogue, allowing to locate the specific playlist file you wish to load.


If you are using an external scheduler which has generated a list of playlists, you can make use of a setting under Settings>Playlist>Auto load the next Playlist when items left reaches X if this setting is enabled then when the item count left in the current playlist reaches the number you have specified the next playlist will be loaded automatically.

Saving a Playlist

Saving as a date and time

To save a playlist as the current date and time, right-click on the playlist and then choose Playlist>Save as Date, when the window opens select the day and hour you wish to save the playlist as and press Ok. Once you have done this you will see the name of the playlist at the top will change to reflect this: yymmddhh.dpl

Saving as a name

To save a playlist as a custom name, simply press the save icon on the top of the playlist window, this will then allow you to specify the name for your playlist and to save this in your playlists folder.

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