Copying UIDs with FileCopy

FileCopy allows you to make a copy of an existing PlayoutONE UID to a new UID on a Schedule. 

UID To Copy This is the UID in PlayoutONE that you wish to copy. Once entered, you'll see the title and artist of the UID.
Get Details From UID To Copy When pressing this button, the Title, Artist, Type and Category fields will be populated from the UID you wish to copy.
New Title New Title of the copied UID.
Insert %%UID-TITLE%% to copy the title from the UID you are copying from, at the time the job runs.
New Artist New Artist of the copied UID
Insert %%UID-ARTIST%% to copy the artist from the UID you are copying from, at the time the job runs.
New UID The new UID to copy into
New Type The new Type of the copied UID

New Category

The new Category of the copied UID

You must set a minimum of UID To Copy, New UID and New Type to create this job.

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