Building PlayoutONE templates

PlayoutONE Pro contains a basic template builder to help you build templates for satellite and network shows where a full music log is not needed. 

Accessing the Template Builder

Aiir's support team will need to activate the Template Builder for your station.

Once enabled, you should see the Template Builder within PlayoutONE's Launcher:

Creating a template

Once you've accessed the template builder, you can then choose to create a new template.

To do this click the 'Edit Template' button on the bottom right of the 'Template Builder Assignments' window. 

You'll then be presented with the template builder:

  1. Choose a template to edit from the drop-down list. You can also duplicate a template by changing its name and clicking the 'Save' button (9)
  2. Deletes the selected template
  3. Makes a new blank template.
  4. Builds the template with the 'Lock Hour' parameter set. This prevents anything, such as Auto Importer, from overwriting the template after it's been built.
  5. Back Colour for the template assignments grid.
  6. Text Colour for the template assignments grid.
  7. Adds a new template line 
  8. Deletes the selected template line.
  9. Saves the template. 

Adding items to a template

Choose your template and then click the 'Add New Line' button (7). 

This will add a new line position to the template. Once you have a new line, you can then choose to populate it with either:

UID The title will be automatically prefilled
Command Choose from a list of available commands and edit (e.g. TRAFFICMERGE START or TRAFFICMERGE END)
Predefined Command Choose from a list of commands that you've made previously (e.g turning on a specific satellite channel or switcher)
Type Anything from the selected type will be scheduled
Category Anything from the selected category will be scheduled (You must also select a type to ensure rules are obeyed)
Alt Category Anything from the selected alt category will be scheduled (You must also select a type to ensure rules are obeyed.)

When selecting using Type, Category and Alt Category, the rules that the template builder will obey are based on the type rules in the type manager.

To move items around in the template builder, drag the position column to where you want the new line to be.

Scheduling templates

Add the templates you wish to be scheduled onto the 'Templates Assignments' grid. 

When ready to schedule, choose the start and end dates from the calendar. 

Click the 'Build' button to start generating the templates based on the assignments grid. You can also Unschedule by clicking the corresponding button.

If you wish to import traffic logs after a template has been rescheduled, select the Auto Importer Traffic profile and tick the 'Import Traffic' checkbox.

To have PlayoutONE auto-schedule the templates each day then tick the 'Auto Build' box.

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