Audio Markers

In PlayoutONE, you can set different types of markers on a piece of audio in the system. This is done in the Media Editor window in PlayoutONE.


Marker Purpose Why Should I Set It?
Trim In PlayoutONE will start playing the audio from this point If the audio in the file doesn't start immediately at the start of the file, then setting this marker at the point it does will stop gaps appearing between different audio items in automation.
Intro PlayoutONE will show a countdown to the marker when it plays the item. Designed to show when the vocal starts on a song Allows the on-air presenter to know where the vocal begins on a song. It will enable PlayoutONE to oversweep a piece of production audio, such as a sweeper over the intro, when in automation.
Hook In PlayoutONE will start playing the audio from this point when it plays the items hook. If you wish to use the hooks feature explained here.
Hook Out PlayoutONE will stop playing the audio at this point when it plays the items hook. If you wish to use the hooks feature explained here.
Early Extro If set on a piece of production that is set to oversweep, this is where PlayoutONE will start the next song. If you have a sweeper, jingle, or promo that has a dry ending, you will set the early extro at the point that the sweeper, jingle, or promo becomes dry so the next song can sweep underneath it.
Extro PlayoutONE will seg onto the next item at this point when running in automation. PlayoutONE will also use this marker to work out the length of the item. Setting an extro marker on an item allows PlayoutONE to seg into the next item in automation without gaps. If there is no extro marker set, PlayoutONE will play the file in full, including any silence at the end of it.
Trim Out PlayoutONE will stop playing the audio at this point Not to be confused with the extro marker. This is the absolute end of the audio file. PlayoutONE will stop and eject the audio at this point.

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