Configuring PlayoutONE, Monitor and LiveStream to send metadata

This article will run through the steps you need to take to get the Now Playing track information in PlayoutONE to be sent as metadata to any encoders that you have set up in LiveStream.

Part 1: Set up PlayoutONE

The first step is to ensure PlayoutONE is set to output the current playing song. This is determined by the "Billboard" option within the type manager. 

In this example, we want to output the Artist and Title of every Song that is playing. 

To enable this, head into the Type Manger by navigating to Launcher > Type Manager. You can now find the "Billboard" column (you might have to scroll to the right), and then check this on the "Song type" (as you can see in the screenshot below):

Tip: If you are taking a stream you can also get PlayoutONE to relay the metadata received from the stream! To do this head into Launcher > Settings > Billboard and check the option that says "When receiving stream meta output it to the billboard and simple.txt"

Part 2: Set up Monitor

The next step is to set up your Metadata outputs in Monitor, this allows you to decide what services you want to send your metadata to.

The first thing to check is that the Main dashboard of Monitor is reflecting the current song that you are playing (please note if you have recently enabled the billboard option you will have to wait until the next song starts before you see an update). You should see something similar to the screenshot below:

Now you can create an encoder, to do this double click on the station you wish to add a metadata output for, and then head into the "Metadata outputs" tab.

From the grid that displays be sure to choose the option that says "Live Stream" (this should be on the top left).

After doing this you will be asked to enter the IP Address and Port of LiveStream, the port by default will always be 8083 and the IP Address will be the IP address of your machine that LiveStream is running on (if you are running LiveStream on the same machine as Monitor you can enter '' here).

PlayoutONE Standard:

Note: If you are using PlayoutONE Standard there's one extra step on this page. Head into options and under the option that says "PlayoutONE Simple Billboard File" add the following value: "C:\PlayoutONE\Data\simple.txt"

You can then press "Save" to add this Metadata output.

Part 3: Set up LiveStream

The final stage is to set up LiveStream so it knows it's expecting Metadata from Monitor.

To do this open LiveStream, head to Settings > Audio & Meta, and then under "Metadata Source" choose the option that says "From PlayoutONE Monitor".

Now you can press "Save" to close this setting.


If you wait until your log progresses onto the next song (or another type that you have enabled Billboard on), you should see Metadata update on the bottom of LiveStream like the screenshot below:

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