Site Settings

The Site Settings app in Aiir lets you update various attributes of your website or mobile app.

Inside Site Settings you'll find these sections:

  • General Settings - Your site's name, time zone, country, language and day of the week to begin on. It's also where you can select the primary station for your website to use, or enter a page that will be shown if visitors need to select a station to listen to.
  • Title and Meta Tags - Default page titles, meta description, Facebook IDs, and mobile app promotion banners.
  • Head and Body HTML - HTML that will be inserted into every page of your website.
  • Analytics Code - Where to copy and paste your Google Analytics tracking code.
  • Images and Icons - Logo, favicon, images for when sharing to social networks and default cover art icon.
  • Domain and HTTPS - Set up your domain to go live, set up HTTPS, get DNS records, and later change domain.
  • Section Templates - Templates for app parts of your website.
  • Social Network URLs - Social network account URLs for inclusion in your website template .
  • Terms and Policy - Set the pages to use for your terms and conditions, privacy and cookie policy pages, plus enable a banner to warn of cookie usage.
  • Share Buttons - Options for the Facebook and X share / like buttons that can appear at the bottom of pages.
  • Search Engine - Configure the search engine to use for your Website Search.
  • Maps and Geocoding - Register with Google Maps and add your API keys to enable maps.
  • CAPTCHA - Enable Google's reCAPTCHA service on forms to to protect from spam and abuse.
  • Files - Create text files at specific URLs on your website. This is where you should create ads.txt or app-ads.txt if you need them.
  • Robots.txt - Edit the robots.txt file.
  • Error Pages - Colour settings for your website error page.

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