Working with multiple sites and sharing content
If your organisation has multiple stations that are using Aiir, you may be given access to more than one site.
You may even be able to switch between multiple organisations. If so, the name of your current organisation will appear on the top blue bar. On mobile devices, this is replaced by two arrows. Pressing these allows you to easily switch between your available Aiir organisations.
In one web browser, you can only work on one organisation at a time, even if multiple Aiir tabs are open. If you switch sites while having more than one tab open, you may be alerted in another tab that you can no longer save your work.
Gaining access to another site
You must contact an administrator to add access to another site to your account. They can access the Admin section to update your account.
Need access to a site in another organisation? Learn more about how to do this.
Sharing content
With multiple sites in an organisation, you can share content amongst sites, like:
- Ad campaigns
- Blogs
- Music Playlists
- Programmes
- Pages in Page Manager, and things embedded in them like Forms and Sectionals
- Photo Albums
- Podcasts
- Social Accounts

While users can switch between multiple organisations, content can only be shared between sites that are part of the same organisation.