Formatting clocks for MusicMaster
If you use MusicMaster to schedule your music logs, you will create log notes in the following string format to schedule commands.
This page contains the commonly used commands for PlayoutONE and the correct syntax to use.
Traffic merge
TRAFFICMERGE mm:ss-mm:ss
Where the first 'mm' is the minute of the commercial start point and the first 'ss' is the start second. The second 'mm' is the end minute and the second 'ss' is the end seconds.
Therefore, if your commercial break is in your traffic system as five minutes to eight minutes after the hour, you will use this log note:
TRAFFICMERGE 05:00-07:59
Similarly, if you had a weather sponsor at 8 past for 10 seconds afterward, your log notes would be back to back as the following:
TRAFFICMERGE 05:00-07:59 TRAFFICMERGE 08:00-08:09
This ensures the correct creative goes in the correct place.
You can also put program elements between the log notes like a weather intro for example.
Run to time
If you wish to use RunToTime in PlayoutONE, schedule the log note below before the first song of the hour.
Split commercial breaks
To find out how to set up split commercial breaks, check out this page.
Time markers
Soft time markers
Hard time markers (Hit markers)
Specific UID
Log notes
If you wish to schedule a log note, such as to indicate where a voice track should be placed, you should put NOTE: at the start of your log note.
For example, to insert a log note saying 'Voice track here', you would schedule the following:
NOTE: Voice track here.