Overriding music logs with Template Builder

Stations with Template Builder enabled in PlayoutONE Pro can use it to create certain hours' logs, bypassing any regular music logs generated by their scheduling system.

This can be useful if you need to deviate from your normal programme schedule but don't want to create logs in a music scheduler (for example, for predominantly speech-based shows.)

Using Template Builder instead of your regular music logs

  1. Ensure Template Builder is enabled on your PlayoutONE Pro system. Contact Aiir Support if you can't see it on the Launcher.
  2. Go to Auto Importer, find the job which imports your music logs and open its settings.
  3. Go to the Options > Logs tab, and make sure 'Check Template Builder before importing' is ticked:

  4. Open Template Builder from PlayoutONE's Launcher, and create the template(s) to use during your specified hours.
  5. Assign your template(s) to the hours when you want to deviate from your regular music logs.

  6. Make sure the assignment grid is active by pressing 'Set Active' in the top-right corner of the window. If it is, "(A)" will appear next to the current grid name.

Overriding only part of an hour

If you only want to deviate from your regular music logs for a portion of an hour - for example, to cover a breaking news story where you may want to opt in or out at different times - you can insert the commands TEMPLATE BUILDER START and TEMPLATE BUILDER END at the points you want to switch to your template or revert to the normal music log.

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