Formatting PlayoutONE metadata

When you add or edit a Metadata output within Monitor you can alter the following settings

Output Name Add a custom name to the Metadata Output.
Casing Format Choose to display the Metadata in the following formats.
Title Case, Upper Case, Lower Case or as it appears within PlayoutONE
Delay Delay sending the metadata to the output for a number of seconds.
Only Use Choose to only use either the Title or Artist for this output.
Remove Text Between The Following Characters Removes any text between the characters displayed in the text box.
For Example, AC DC - Highway To Hell <Radio Edit>. We can remove the <Radio Edit> by typing in <>
When Nothing Is Playing, Display Dynamic Meta When PlayoutONE is not playing anything, send the Dynamic Meta to this output.
Do Not Send Metadata For The Following Selected Types Prevent items belonging to selected types from being sent to the metadata. 


The following tags can be inserted whenever you see a Format box within a Metadata output. 

Any tag with a 'Next' variant allows you to retrieve information from the next item in the log.

Any variable with asterisks (*) at the end is also available in PlayoutONE Standard.

Tag Information
%%Artist%% *
The Artist
%%Title%% *
The Title
%%Year%% *
The Year
%%By%% * Insert the word by, but only if the Artist isn't blank
%%-%% Inserts a dash but only if the Artist isn't blank
%%Album%% *
The Album
The Category Name
The Type Name
The Scheduler Type From The Type Manager
The Duration (Extro) in human time H H:mm:ss format
%%DurationMS%% The Duration (Extro) in Milliseconds
%%DurationMM:SS%% The Duration (Extro) in the format MM:SS
%%DurationSE%% The Duration (Extro) in Seconds
The Intro in human time HH:mm:ss format
The Intro in Milliseconds
%%Airtime%% *
The Local Airtime in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format
%%AirtimeTime%% *
The Local Airtime in HH:mm:ss format
%%AirtimeUTC%% *
The UTC Airtime in  yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format
The Airtime in Unix Timestamp format
||NewLine|| * Inserts a new line
||CarriageReturn|| * Inserts a carriage return
||CarriageReturnLineFeed|| * Inserts a carriage return line feed
||Tab|| * Inserts a tab character
{Text} Any text within the two curly brackets will not be sent if Dynamic Meta is active.
%%DynamicMeta%% * Returns the current Dynamic Meta string set within the Database
Returns the ISRC number for the item.
%%CatalogNumber%% Returns the Catalog number for the item.
%%Composer%% Returns the Composer for the item.
%%Arranger%% Returns the Arranger for the item.
%%Publisher%% Returns the Publisher for the item.
%%Label%% Returns the Label for the item.
%%Client%% Returns the Client for the item.
%%Campaign%% Returns the Campaign for the item.
%%ArtworkURL%% Returns the Artwork URL for the item. This is a field within the Media Editor and must be populated manually.

*Denotes that this tag is available in PlayoutONE Standard.

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