Troubleshooting Data Controller issues

As PlayoutONE's Data Controller app relies on external hardware, there are several steps you may wish to take to troubleshoot issues before contacting Aiir Support.

This guide will walk you through the various troubleshooting steps needed to fix Data Controller if it stops working and get you back on air as soon as possible.

The Basics

Has Data Controller received the command?

Check the Data Controller log to see if the incoming command from the device has been received. If the command is missing from the log, it never made it as far as Data Controller, so you should check your receiver for connection or other hardware issues.

Has the command received by Data Controller been set up in the Command Matrix?

If the incoming command string doesn't correspond with a command PlayoutONE understands, it won't know what action to carry out when it is received.

You can set up commands in the Command Matrix by following the steps here.

Was the incoming command rejected because "selective groups" are enabled?

Selective groups are a feature of Data Controller which allows you to restrict which commands are processed. For example, if you only take syndicated satellite programmes during certain times of the day, you can tell PlayoutONE to disregard any commands received outside of those times.

There's more information on selective groups here.

This specific error means the command was received by Data Controller, but because it's part of a selective group, the rules currently in place mean it wasn't actioned.

You can check which selective group is active using the station display at the top of Data Controller. Make sure the selective group containing the commands you want to allow is enabled.

Using Broadcast Tools switchers

Issues with the switcher

If you've checked the Data Controller log and can't see the command being received, it's worth checking the Broadcast Tools Switcher is fully operational and hasn't locked up.

You can try making a change using the buttons on the front of the unit and see if it responds.

If it doesn't, or you need help troubleshooting the hardware, contact your station's broadcast engineer.

Issues with satellite receivers

If you use an XDS satellite receiver to pick up commands and pass them to PlayoutONE via Data Controller, is the receiver passing on the relay closures without issues?

Consult the broadcast engineer who manages your hardware for assistance configuring satellite receivers.

Is the serial cable between the unit and the PC running Data Controller connected?

You can test this by going to Integrations, selecting the switcher from the list, and clicking on Test.

If you receive no reply after sending the status commands from the dropdown list, there is an issue with the serial connection.

Using Axia or Wheatstone devices

Are the devices connected?

Check Data Controller's Integrations screen and see if the Axia or Wheatstone devices are connected. If they are not, consult the broadcast engineer who manages your hardware.

Issues with satellite receivers

If you use an XDS satellite receiver to pick up commands and pass them to PlayoutONE via Data Controller, is the receiver passing on the relay closures without issues?

Consult the broadcast engineer who manages your hardware for assistance configuring satellite receivers.

Was the signal received?

If you check your Axia node or Wheatstone Blade which should receive contact/relay closures, can you see the signal was received by the GPI (for Axia) or LIO (for Wheatstone).

If you are unsure how to do this or need help, contact the broadcast engineer who manages your hardware.

Are the devices configured correctly in Data Controller?

Data Controller needs to know which Axia node or Wheatstone Blade will receive the contact closure to monitor for changes.

Check the Data Controller PC is on the same network and can reach the device's IP address. For Wheatstone Blades, the ID must be specified correctly in the Integration settings so Data Controller can subscribe to LIOs and SLIOs.

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